“A Tale of Two [Attorney’s] Fees,” Norman Pine, faculty member, 2023 Employment Litigation Update Program, joint program presented by The Rutter Group (TRG) and California Judges Association (CJA) joint program , moderated by Presiding Justice Dennis Perluss of the Second District Court of Appeal, (Division 7)
Help Me Help You: How to Avoid Losing Your Appeal Before it Starts, Scott Tillett, speaker, CELA, 2022 Annual Conference, October 2022
Lessons Learned from Winning, Norman Pine, speaker, CELA, 2022 Annual Conference, October 2022
“Appellate Traps: You Can Fall Victim to Them—or Use Them to Your Advantage,” Scott Tillett and Norman Pine, Forum Magazine, March/April 2022
“Maximizing your attorneys’ fees recovery in the trial court following a successful FEHA Judgment,” Norman Pine and Scott Tillett, Advocate Magazine, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, April 2022
Appellate Traps: You Can Fall Victim to Them - or Use Them to Your Advantage,
Scott Tillett and Norman Pine, speakers, Consumer Attorneys of California, 2021 Hawaii Travel Seminar, December 2021
The Whole Lawyer: Mental Health, Well-Being, and Substance Abuse, Scott Tillett, speaker, Los Angeles County Bar Association, 2020 Labor & Employment Law Symposium, March 2020
NELA Wellness Brunch, Scott Tillett, speaker, National Employment Lawyers Association, 2020 Annual Convention, July 2020
Substance abuse and mental health issues among attorneys, Scott Tillett, speaker, Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles, 2019 Annual Convention, August 2019
“Is California’s Private Attorney General Act Enforceable Against Public Entities?," Scott Tillett, Dustin Collier, Joshua Socks, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, May 2019
“This is not a race: California’s whistleblower protections are not limited to the first report of unlawful conduct," Scott Tillett, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, May 2018
“Pitfalls to avoid in litigation—an appellate perspective," Norman Pine and Scott Tillett, speakers, WLG Speaker Event,
May 2018
“Substance abuse in the workplace: Advanced topics in disability accommodation and discrimination," Scott Tillett, speaker, Los Angeles County Bar Association, Labor and Employment Law Section, Jan. 2018
“The disentitlement doctrine: A potent secret weapon to destroy your opponent’s contemptuous appeal,” Scott Tillett, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, Dec. 2017
“Williams v. Chino Valley Independent Fire District: Employee’s Perspective,” Norman Pine and David M. deRubertis, California Labor & Employment Law Review, California State Bar, July 2015
“Arbitration enforcement update: 2014 through early 2015,” Scott Tillett, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, June 2015
“Appealing Strategies: Planning for Success,” Norman Pine, speaker and author, Los Angeles County Bar Association, Apr. 2015
“Responding or replying to defendant’s post-trial motions,” Janet Gusdorff and Norman Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, Dec. 2013
“Common Mistakes Made By Trial Counsel In Employment Cases And Others,” Stacy Tillett and Norman Pine, authors and speakers, Consumer Attorneys of California, Nov. 2013
“Navigating New Trial Motions,” Stacy Tillett and Norman Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, Dec. 2012
“Examining Post Trial Motions,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Attorneys of California, Nov. 2012
“Writing a Winning Appellate Brief,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, Orange County Bar Association, May 2012
“Pantoja v. Anton – A Cornucopia of Important Employment Law,” Janet R. Gusdorff and Norman Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, Apr. 2012
“Joaquin – Turning a Blind Eye to the ‘Cat’s Paw’ Model,” Martin I. Aarons and Beverly Tillett Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, Apr. 2012
“The California Supreme Court: How To Get There, What To Do When You Get There, And What’s In Store For Plaintiffs,” Beverly Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Attorneys of California, Dec. 2011
“Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned – Appellate Proactively At The Trial Court Level,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Attorneys of California, Dec. 2011
“Looking at Evidence Through an Appellate Lens,” Norman Pine and Beverly Tillett Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, Dec. 2011
“Don’t Start The Party Yet: What To Do Post-Trial And, Oh Yeah, What About That Notice Of Appeal?” Norman Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Attorneys of California, Nov. 2011
“Protect The Record: Winning Your Appeal In The Trial Court,” Beverly Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Attorneys of California, Nov. 2011
“The Made Whole Rule and The Common Fund Doctrine,” Norman Pine and Beverly Tillett Pine, authors and speakers, Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles, Sept. 2011
“The Trial Lawyer and the Appellate Lawyer: ‘Viva la Difference!’” Norman Pine and Beverly Tillett Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, Dec. 2010
“Understanding – and proving – the separate and distinct claim of sexual harassment under the FEHA,” Beverly Tillett Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, Apr. 2010
“Navigating Around Favorite Defense Arguments,” Beverly Tillett Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, Apr. 2010
“Traps That Even Experienced Trial Lawyers May Not Know,” Norman Pine and Beverly Tillett Pine, authors and speakers, Consumer Attorneys of California, Dec. 2009
"Appellate Case Law Update," Norman Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Attorneys of California, Nov. 2009
“Preserving the Record on Appeal,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles, Sept. 2009
“Effective Appellate Advocacy,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, National Employment Lawyers Association, June 2009
“Update on Gender Bias,” Beverly Tillett Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Attorneys of California, Nov. 2008
“Handling Civil Appeals and Writs in California State Courts,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, Continuing Education of the Bar, Oct. 2008
“Persuasive Legal Writing Seminar,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, California Employment Lawyers Association, July 2008
“Avoiding instructional error traps, getting paid, and other neat secrets,” Norman and Beverly Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, May 2008
“Petitions for Review,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, Continuing Education of the Bar, California State Bar, Mar. 2008
“Update on Recent Case Law, Accommodations/Interactive Process,” Beverly Tillett Pine, FORUM, Consumer Attorneys of California, Jan./Feb. 2008
“I Will Survive: Update on Recent Case Law, Accommodations and Interactive Process,” Beverly Tillett Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Attorneys of California, Nov. 2007
“Disability seminar, Green v. State of California,” Norman Pine, speaker, California Employment Lawyers Association, Oct. 2007
“From 'Society’s Child’ to Joseph Posner,” Norman Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, May 2007
“Securing Punitive Damages in Employment Cases: The Requirement of Malicious Conduct by an Officer, Director or Managing Agent,” David M. deRubertis & Norman Pine, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, May 2007
“Prosecuting Disability Discrimination Cases: Debunking employers’ favorite arguments and defenses,” Norman and Beverly Pine, authors; Norman Pine, speaker, Consumer Lawyers of Los Angeles, Sept. 2006
“Preserving Issues in the Trial Court: Appellate Courts Help Them That Help Themselves,” Norman Pine, FORUM, Consumer Attorneys of California, Jul./Aug. 2005
“Effectively Opposing Summary Judgment Motions,” Norman Pine and Beverly Tillett Pine, authors; Norman Pine, speaker, Consumer Lawyers of Los Angeles, Sept. 2004
“Winning on Appeal,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Lawyers of California, Hawaii Travel Seminar, Nov. 2003
“Holding onto your Verdict,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, California Employment Lawyers Association, Oct. 2003
“While Fighting Summary Judgment Battles in the Trenches, Preparing to Win the War in the Court of Appeal,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Lawyers of Los Angeles, Sept. 2003
“Writing a Winning Appellate Brief,” Norman Pine, FORUM, Consumer Attorneys of California, Dec. 2002
“Punitive Damages in Employment Law,” Norman Pine, author and speaker, Consumer Lawyers of Los Angeles, Sept. 2002
“Six Tips for an Effective Respondent’s Brief,” Norman Pine, author, ADVOCATE, Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California, July/Aug. 2001